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Having same terms security software solutions

Software Solutions

Lanix Global software solutions are critical to creating personalized solutions for your business needs.  Your business is unique to you.  Creating systems that are specific to your business just makes sense.


Software Makes It Easy

Lanix Global security systems include easy to use software platforms that ensure a user friendly experience that does not compromise on safety.

Software for Data Analytics

Make the most of your system by transforming data into visual information you can use to optimize your business.  Make better decisions that drive sales and facilitate safety with real-time data in a user friendly platform.

Real Estate



Managing multiple properties?

Keep your entire portfolio of properties secure using one easy to use platform that can be accessed from wherever you are.




Security systems are about a lot more then safety these days.

Optimize your data with software solutions designed to increase sales.  You can analyze customer foot traffic and sales patterns using targeted software that helps you design your sales floor to best serve you and your customers.



Healthcare environments demand security you can trust for patients and professionals.

Security systems using targeted software can prioritize threats across networks and help you minimize user challenges at each access point.

Call Us Now 470-274-7774

Expand and Manage Your Business

Software that helps you manage multiple locations from anywhere you are.  As your company grows you can rest assured your security system can grow with it.  No need to juggle different systems at different locations.  Lanix Global can support your company with one software solution for all your locations nationwide.